Vim Tips to Get Better Editing Experience

1 minute read

When you want to use vim as IDE or just improve yours basic skills.

Command Description
ddkP move entire line up
ddp move entire line down
ciw""P or ciw’Ctrl+r"' quote/unquote words
:g!/^[^#]/d delete all lines wih comments
:norm IsomeText add text before selected lines
Ctrl-a increment number
Ctrl+x decrement number
cgn / . change current word but repeatable with dot .
:sp filename horizontal split
:vsp filename vertical split
:tabs list all tabs
:tab split copy current window
:tabn /gt go to next tab
:tabp /gT go to previous tab
:set listchars=eol:¬,tab:>·,trail:~,extends:>,precedes:<,space:␣ show ALL white space characters
:term terminal mode
:sh go to terminal, Ctrl+D to get back to VIM
:w !sudo tee % open file as normal user, save as root
:set noexpandtab :retab! convert all spaces to tabs
:set expandtab :set tabstop=4 :set shiftwidth=4 :retab convert all tabs to spaces
Use S in Normal mode, in new line press ESC in normal mode, then S writing the correct indent depth
:w !diff % - show differenve between the buffer and the file
Ctrl-w - decrease the height of the current split by one line
Ctrl-w + increase the height of the current split by one line