Subscription Manager RHEL
Check subscription-manager status, list and so on…
Subscription Manager list show:
1subscription-manager list
Check the available subscriptions
1subscription-manager list --available --all
Verify subscription-manager status
1subscription-manager status
2subscription-manager list --consumed
Unsubscribe to remove the subscription
1subscription-manager unsubscribe --all
Unregister command unregisters a machine, which strops its subscriptions and removes the machine form the entitlement service.
1subscription-manager unregister
Error message when yum install / dnf install
I’ve got an error messege when trying to run yum or dnf command:
“This system is not registered with an entitlement server. You can use subscription-manager to register”
This issue can be shown after subscription-manager unregistering, to fix this isse deactiveate subscription-managerin config file:
1sudo vim /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/subscription- manager.conf
3# change the value to 0
4enabled=0 (if was 1)
After changing run:
1yum clean all
You should be able to run yum / dnf properly.