Git Cheat Sheet
This cheat sheet summarizes commonly used Git command, I will update sometimes this list.
Initial Git configuration:
1git config --global "Name Username"
2git config --global
Check git settings:
1git config --list
Basic Git commands:
1git init
2git add .
3git status
4git commit -m "My commit"
5git push # Send files ot remote server
6git pull - # Get data from remote server
7git remote add origin
8git push -u origin master
9git rm -f <filename
10git status
11git diff
12git diff --staged
13git log
Show file N-commits ahead
1git show HEAD~4:path/to/my/directory/script.js
Pretty log in terminal without external tools
1git log --pretty=format:"%h %s" --graph
2git log --stat
3git log --pretty=oneline
4git log --pretty=format:"%h - %an, %ar : %s"
Remove and replace the last commit before and after push
1# Let say you made and saved changes locally, but you want undo them.
2git restore <filename>
4# Same scenario like before but you added changes by git add
5git restore --staged <filename>
7# undo last local commit
8git reset --soft HEAD~1
10# Undo pushed changes
11git add .
12git commit --amend
13git push -f origin main
14git revert <hash-commit>